Fans of Division 2 were quite disheartened as they learned the fact that the latest Operation Dark Hours raid would not include matchmaking feature in spite of the game developers calming to include the said feature in every mode of the game.

In Division 2, raid battles and events require 8 players who can group together which makes substantial support for each and every player in a squad to better fight the dangers in the game, but to a surprise, the Division 2 developers have not included any such feature for the new Operation Dark Hour raid. Still, it is expected that the developers may come up with a solution to this problem in the near future.
With the massive backlash and uproar from fans and community members, Chris Gansler Community developer at Massive Entertainment’s posted an article which clarified the reasoning behind not including the matchmaking feature for the new mode.
The post suggested that the new Operation Dark Hours raid mode is designed to be quite challenging and requires intense builds and communication means to ensure victory. So adding matchmaking would have created additional challenges of creating coordination with other random matched players, so the developers at Massive studios decided not to include this feature to the new Operation Dark Hours raid mode.
Gansler further claimed that the matchmaking feature was intended to be accessible for the in-game modes during the launch stage, but the said matchmaking feature was not explicitly set for the post-launch content and modes for the title.
Many players expected the matchmaking feature to be accessible for each and every in-game mode, but the post by the community head has clarified the droughts among all the gamers who were expecting the feature to be usable in the entire game.
The Massive studios also went a step ahead and conducted an exclusive live stream right before the unveiling of the Operation Dark Hours raid mode. During the live stream, developers suggested that the matchmaking for the new mode would be rather an unrealistic option as the new mode is already quite challenging and requires a lot of coordination which would certainly not be possible while paring gamers with random players through matchmaking.
So to suit better the developers at Massive are planning to include some other means for players to assemble a group of reliable players and friends by introducing a grouping feature for clan mates, in-game friends and invite friends you know. This feature would enable players to assemble squad mates who player have interacted with and have some common ground to share.
The grouping feature would allow players to combat in any mode with their preferred teammates who they can depend on and communicate in a much more effective manner. Let’s see when this grouping feature would be introduced to Division 2 as no such specific timings or details are out yet. Still, the said feature would surely satisfy the distress amongst the fans due to no matchmaking means for the new Operation Dark Hour mode.
Billy Mark is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at
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